Installed the Ubuntu client for EVE-NG still not able to wireshark
This is related to the privileges that the user opening wireshark has. Just as a temporary solution, what I did is changed the used privileges for other user to be able to read and execute the “/usr/bin/dumpcap”. Use the following command in terminal to do the following. To check for other options you can also…
Not able to open router console in Linux
Source This restarts the machine
Adding Cisco IOL to EVE-NG
Creating a IOURC license file… If Not able to open telnet to nodes in the EVE-NG
Setting up EVE-NG
Download the free community edition from here default id: root default password: eve Then you will be prompted to change the password to the one that sounds good then you will be asked to choose whether you want the machine to be assigned using DHCP or you want to set up a static one by…